
How to Optimize Your Health with a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring)

A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) offers immediate insights into your glucose levels, aiding in the identification of patterns and the implementation of lifestyle modifications for enhanced metabolic health. CGMs consist of a skin-inserted sensor for glucose measurement and a reader device to progressively interpret this data. When you begin using a CGM, spend the first […]

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overweight Asian woman measuring her hip while learning to make salad and healthy food from social

Role of Mental Health in the Management of Obesity by Dr. Reshma Stanislaus

Eat right and exercise.Should be simple, right?Reduce sugar intake. Consume a variety of food, predominantly whole food and plant based.Limit/eliminate processed food and food with trans fat in them.Eat complex carbs with a lower GI. Ask any overweight/obese person. They could probably write a book on weight loss/maintenance. It’s not for the lack of knowledge

Role of Mental Health in the Management of Obesity by Dr. Reshma Stanislaus Read More »

Microbiome & Gut Health by Dr. Reshma Stanislaus

If the buzzword amongst health and wellness circles in recent years has been “Intermittent Fasting”, “Time Restricted Eating”, “Circadian Rhythm” and “Whole Food, Plant Based”, the WORD for 2024 must be “Microbiome”. The importance of the microbiome on overall health and well-being cannot be emphasized enough. The microbiome consists of trillions of cells, and it

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“Atomic Habits” & Lifestyle Medicine by Dr. Reshma Stanislaus

James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” offers invaluable insights that can be easily incorporated into the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine. Let’s explore how the four laws of habit formation, i.e.; Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward or in simpler terms, making something OBVIOUS, ATTRACTIVE, EASY, and SATISFYING, can be applied to lifestyle medicine:

“Atomic Habits” & Lifestyle Medicine by Dr. Reshma Stanislaus Read More »

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